Saturday, December 14, 2019

Marsaglia’s MWC (multiply with carry) Random Number Generator for Object Pascal

Originally Posted on  by hsauro 

In the past, I’ve tended to use the Mersenne Twister for generating pseudo-random numbers. This is a widely used generator because it has a very long period of 2^{19937} – 1. The one issue is that it’s not the fastest generator and this is particularly an issue when drawing random numbers for implementing the Gillespie direct method. A much faster variant is the Multiply-with-carry (MWC) random number generator. This uses much simpler arithmetic which means it’s faster. The algorithm can be described in three lines:

  \[  m_z = 36969 * (m_z \text{ and } 65535) + (m_z >> 16) \]

  \[ m_w = 18000 * (m_w \text{ and } 65535) + (m_w >> 16) \]

  \[ \text{random number} = (m_z << 16) + m_w \]

The symbol >> means shift the bits to the right by the given number and << is similar but moves the bits to the left. In object pascal, these operations are represented by shr and shl respectively. The generator needs two values to be initialized, m_z and m_w I've recently implemented the Gillespie method in three languages, C, Go and Object Pascal. Object Pascal has good support for the Mersenne Twister but I had to create my own MWC generator. The code below shows the object pascal implementation:

What about some tests? There are random generator test systems such as TestU01 and dieharder but they are written to run on Linux and I didn't have time to set something up on windows plus the usage docs are not that great. Instead I did three simple sanity tests. The simplest is to check that the mean value for a sample of random numbers is 0.5. Another test is to make sure that, say out of 10,000 random numbers, 10% are between 0 and 0.1, etc. Ideally there should be statistical tests done to check that these values are within certain tolerances. The third test is a visual test where I generate 32768 random numbers and map them on to a bitmap. Each random number is 32 bits long and each bit represents a pixel in the bitmap. 32768 numbers means I generate a bitmap 1024 by 1024 pixels. Thus 32 numbers occupy each row of the bitmap. I wrote a simple Delphi console application that calls the random number generator and creates the bitmap. The main part of this code is shown below. For a comparison I also implemented the NOT to be used randu generator and also the Delphi's built in generator. The approach I take isn't very sophisticated and I am sure it could be made shorter, but for each random number I generate, I convert it into a string of 1's and 0's. I then work my way through the string setting pixels in a bitmap. I do this 32 times for each row in the bitmap.

The results of running this code is below. First randu to show you how bad it is, note the patterns and lines in the bitmap:

The next figure shows the results from Delphi’s builtin random number generator, which isn’t so great either:

Finally, the MWC algorithm, which you can see from the image the distribution of pixels appears to show no pattern:

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