Monday, May 23, 2011

Drawing Pathways with TikZ: Part 2

Originally Posted on  by hsauro

Timo Maarleveld, as part of his thesis writing, started using TikZ to draw some of his network diagrams. To give you an example, the figure below was generated by the code listed at the end. IT gives some idea of the potential of using Tikz.



\tikzstyle{square}=[rectangle,thick,minimum size=0.5cm,draw=blue!80,fill=blue!20]
\tikzstyle{vspecies}=[rectangle, minimum size=0.5cm,draw=blue!80,fill=blue!20]
\tikzstyle{square}=[rectangle,thick,minimum size=0.5cm,draw=red!80,fill=blue!20]
\tikzstyle{fspecies}=[rectangle, minimum size=0.5cm,draw=red!80,fill=red!20]
\subfloat[Two enzyme linear protein network]{
\begin{tikzpicture}[auto, outer sep=3pt, node distance=2cm,>=latex']
\node [fspecies] (S) {S};
\node [vspecies, right of = S] (X) {X};
\node [fspecies, right of = X] (P) {P};
\draw [<->,thick] (S) --  node {$V_1$} (X) ;
\draw [<->,thick] (X) --  node {$V_2$}(P);


\subfloat[Six enzyme branched protein network]{
\begin{tikzpicture}[auto, outer sep=3pt, node distance=2cm,>=latex']
\node [fspecies] (S) {S};
\node [vspecies, right of = S] (X1) {$X_{1}$};
\node [vspecies, right of = X1] (X2) {$X_{2}$};
\node [vspecies, above right of = X2] (X3) {$X_{3}$};
\node [vspecies, below right of = X2] (X4) {$X_{4}$};
\node [fspecies, right of = X3] (P1) {$P_{1}$};
\node [fspecies, right of = X4] (P2) {$P_{2}$};
\draw [<->,thick] (S) --  node {$V_1$} (X1) ;
\draw [<->,thick] (X1) --  node {$V_2$}(X2);
\draw [<->,thick] (X2) --  node {$V_3$}(X3);
\draw [<->,thick] (X2) --  node {$V_4$}(X4);
\draw [<->,thick] (X3) --  node {$V_5$}(P1) ;
\draw [<->,thick] (X4) --  node {$V_6$}(P2);


\subfloat[Three enzyme branched protein network ]{
\begin{tikzpicture}[auto, outer sep=3pt, node distance=2cm,>=latex']
\node [fspecies] (S) {S};
\node [vspecies, right of = S] (X) {$X$};
\node [fspecies,above right of = X] (P1) {$P_{1}$};
\node [fspecies,below  right of = X] (P2) {$P_{2}$};
\draw [<->,thick] (S) --  node {$V_1$} (X) ;
\draw [<->,thick] (X) --  node {$V_2$}(P1) ;
\draw [<->,thick] (X) --  node {$V_3$}(P2);
\end{tikzpicture}}        \hspace{20mm}
\subfloat[Three enzyme linear pathway with moiety conservation]{
\begin{tikzpicture}[auto, outer sep=3pt, node distance=2cm,>=latex']
\node [fspecies] (S) {S};
\node [vspecies] at (0.25,1.2) (CD) {CD};
\draw [<->,thick] (0.25,0.725)  arc (180:360:20pt);
\node [vspecies, right of = S] (SC) {SC};
\node [vspecies] at (1.75,1.2)(D) {D};
\node [vspecies, right of = SC] (PC) {PC};
\node [vspecies] at (4.35,1.2) (D) {D};
\draw [<->,thick] (4.35,0.725)  arc (180:360:20pt);
\node [fspecies, right of = PC] (P) {P};
\node [vspecies] at (5.85,1.2) (CD) {CD};
\draw [<->,thick] (S) --  node {$V_1$} (SC) ;
\draw [<->,thick] (SC) --  node {$V_2$}(PC);
\draw [<->,thick] (PC) --  node {$V_3$}(P);


\subfloat[Four enzyme linear pathway with negative feedback]{
\begin{tikzpicture}[auto, outer sep=3pt, node distance=2cm,>=latex']
\node [fspecies] (S) {S};
\node [vspecies, right of = S] (X1) {$X_{1}$};
\node [vspecies, right of = X1] (X2) {$X_{2}$};
\node [vspecies, right of = X2] (X3) {$X_{3}$};
\node [fspecies, right of = X3] (P) {P};
\draw [<->,thick] (S) --  node {$V_1$} (X1);
\draw [<->,thick] (X1) --  node {$V_2$} (X2);
\draw [<->,thick] (X2) --  node {$V_3$} (X3);
\draw [<->,thick] (X3) --  node {$V_4$}(P);
\draw [line width = 1pt,dotted,red] (X3) |-  (1,-1);
\draw [line width = 1pt,dotted,red] (1,-1) --  (1,-0.25);
\draw [line width = 1pt,dotted,red] (0.75,-0.25) --  (1.30,-0.25);


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